Patent attorney takes (another) swing for charity

Patent attorney takes a swing for charity – 27 February 2017

We are proud supporters the City of Greater Dandenong’s industry golf day, “Take a Swing for Charity”.

Every year the City of Greater Dandenong organises a golf day for those heading up the region’s manufacturers and other businesses to get together. The day is not just a lot of fun. It builds and cements relationships between local companies whilst raising money for worthy charities.

This year’s charity was the Mirabel Foundation. Mirabel is an Australian children’s charity dedicated to breaking the destructive cycle of addiction. They focus on children who have been abandoned due to their parents’ illicit drug use and are now in the care of extended family. It is sad that there is a need for such an organisation to exist, but there is and it does and we are thankful for it.

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Authored by

Ben Mott Patent Attorney & Mechanical Engineer Ben Mott

Mechanical Engineer & Patent Attorney