More good news on Australian Patent Office fees

More good news on Australian Patent Office fees – 23 September 2016

Earlier this month we reported (here) that IP Australia (Australia’s Patent Office) had slashed its fees in connection international-type searches (ITSs). Earlier today, IP Australia, through their regular What’s new at IP Australia email, drew attention to a further positive development.

As in our earlier article, an ITS has always been advisable for those interested in an international patent application (colloquially a ‘PCT application’). Part of the attraction has been that if an international patent application is filed with claims similar to those presented for the ITS, then the searching fees would be partially refunded.

Today’s What’s new at IP Australia links off to a page suggesting (by reference to this page) that these partial refunds will continue.

An ITS has always been a good value option and this latest correspondence suggests that its effective cost continues to fall. This is only good news for Australian innovators.

Further reading

Authored by

Ben Mott Patent Attorney & Mechanical Engineer Ben Mott

Mechanical Engineer & Patent Attorney