A hard stop for two soft-close hinge patents

Australian design patent – novelty & grace periods

Australian design registration costs

Australian design registration grace period

Australian divisional patent applications

Australian innovation patent opposition

Australian innovation patents & patent applications

Australian patent examination directions & requests

Australian patent examination reports – prosecution

Australian patent infringement

Australian patent infringement defences

Australian patent opposition

Australian patent re-examination

Australian patent revocation by a Court

Australian PCT national phase entry deadline & filing requirements

Australian standard patent opposition

Australian standard patents & patent applications – inventive step

Can you patent an idea? Do you need a prototype?

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Design Registration Australia

Design Registration Australia – Design Patent – Design Right

Design registration coverage – infringement

Design registration New Zealand – design patent

Design search – registrability, strategic & clearance

Dispute Resolution

Examples of our work

Filing observations on an Australian patent or patent application

Freedom to Operate

How long does a patent last? Patent terms in AU, the US & more

How much does a patent attorney cost? | Hourly rates & fees

How much does a patent cost? | Australia & International

How to become a registered patent attorney in Australia

How to minimise patent attorney costs

How to patent an idea in Australia & internationally

How to read a patent

How to register a design in Australia

Independent Australian patent attorneys

Indirect (contributory) patent infringement in Australia

Innocent patent infringement in Australia

Intellectual Property Attorney Firm Melbourne, Australia

Intellectual Property Experts in Melbourne

Intellectual Property News – Australia & international

Intellectual Property Rights

IP Oppositions

IP Surveillance

Marking the line on innovation patents

Mining Safety Patent Fails

Nail gun patent hits target

New Zealand design patent – scope, novelty & grace periods

New Zealand PCT national phase entry deadline & filing requirements

Patent – What is? How much? & How to | Australia & international

Patent Application Australia – Australian PCT National Phase

Patent Application New Zealand – PCT

Patent Attorney Mechanical & Engineering

Patent Attorney Melbourne, Australia

Patent Attorney New Zealand

Patent Attorney Services

Patent attorney, Manufacturing engineer – Melbourne 

Patent Attorneys Australia & New Zealand

Patent claims – patent coverage – geographic & technical

Patent enforcement – responding to an infringement

Patent filing requirements – Australian convention applications

Patent filing requirements – New Zealand convention applications

Patent grace periods – AU, NZ, the US & CA

Patent infringement – lawyers, attorneys and barristers

Patent invalidation – how to challenge a patent in Australia

Patent Lawyer – IP Experts

Patent management – managing a patent portfolio

Patent marking – patent pending – virtual marking

Patent pending – Patent applications – Australian & international

Patent Protection Funding – Grants and Tax

Patent rights – What constitutes patent infringement?

Patent search – novelty / pre-filing / clearance / FTO

PCT Patents, PCT applications & international patenting

Penalties (remedies) for patent infringement in Australia

Privacy Policy

Provisional patent – What is? How long? How much? & Why file?

Registered Design Successfully Enforced in Australia

Responding to an allegation of patent infringement


Terms of Service

Trade secrets – IP protection – an alternative to patents?

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What is a design?

What is a patent? What are patent rights?

Why patent a manufacturing process?

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